What Happens to Astronauts In Space

What Happens to Astronauts In Space

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What Happens to Astronauts In Space?. Have they really spent months in space? Is this just a conspiracy? Or is it really a fact? Or even just a fictional story to entertain us when we go to bed. Let’s discuss what astronauts have experienced in carrying out their careers in space. We all know that only the most physically fit people with perfect health indicators can be accepted as astronauts. But apparently after going into space everything changed. Many astronauts return to earth from the space station and die young.
So space appears to have a negative impact on the health of even the toughest people. And this fact really slows down our plans to colonize other planets. I’ll tell you. Can space take away your vision of what a baby born outside our Planet would look like.
What to do in space with dead bodies, and most importantly Can humans live in space. Be aware for a fact that even a trip to a colonized planet will cause you injury within the first 10 seconds after Takeoff. You can faint and even lose your vision because the blood flows from your head within 10 minutes.
you will most likely vomit. The absence of gravity will affect your inner ear which is responsible for your sense of balance, coordination and spatial orientation. In space you are like when you were a child, you spun with all your might and then fell to the floor and vomited on the family’s favorite carpet.
Then the fluid distribution process in the body will be disrupted and you will become plump. Your bones will become more brittle in space. And fractures are very likely to occur in the hip area. Another danger to the body is radiation, from which magnetic fields protect us on earth, once in space you will feel Cosmic and solar radiation at the same time. Apart from that, cosmic rays will hit the optic nerve.

And when you close your eyes you will still see the flash of light. The most important thing is not to get sick before the flight. Astronauts undergo strict health checks and it is almost impossible to be infected by your partner. But in 2019 during research. Nasa discovered that a latent virus that has never been manifested before can be active in the human body during space missions. For example, passive reactive herpes viruses, chicken pox, and mononucleosis, and it can also happen that you experience your mental health may deteriorate unexpectedly in space.
In 1973 astronauts from the Skylight for Nasa mission Jarot car Edward, Gibson and William Fox suddenly found themselves mentally unprepared for space work. By the 6th week after launch they felt that they would never work 16 hours a day in 84 consecutive days on earth. So they don’t expect to do this in space either. Such behavior shocked management. Moreover, the previous team completed all their work on time and full of enthusiasm. But this newest team of astronauts is making more demands of a lighter schedule in space.

What Happens to Astronauts In Space

But it was immediately rejected by management. Then they actually stopped working and even allegedly went on strike. They spent the whole day in the spaceship’s porthole while sullenly observing the outer space scenery. This has a negative impact on the time rates set by management. But some terrible mental and physical problems suddenly appeared upon returning to earth. If you decide to go home after spending some time in space like an astronaut, you will bring a souvenir of the disease. Such as cardiovascular disease, problems with the urinary tract system, diseases of the blood, liver, teeth, spine, joints, stomach and kidneys. And even though astronauts have access to high-quality medical nursing. And the most terrible in their disease statistics are premature deaths from cancer, and heart disease. 12 United States astronauts died between the ages of 40 and 50.

What Happens to Astronauts In Space

Remember what I said earlier, that they go through strict selection before the flight. And people with heart problems or cancer will not be allowed into space. You can also bring completely new diseases to our planet from space, for example after Nasa astronaut Herisson Smith’s mission, the last man to walk on the moon felt unwell while in space. His nose was swollen and his voice changed as he came back down to earth. Doctors who examined the patient found that Smith was the first person in the world who was allergic to the moon. After walking around the satellite, and inside the craft, the astronaut did not appear to notice several objects falling on him as he removed his spacesuit.
It triggers an allergic reaction. But it turns out that space can not only harm humans. But also change them completely. Can outer space change a person? American astronaut Scout Kelly spent 1 year in space and returned home as a person with completely different DNA. Because it turns out Scout’s DNA has changed. Nasa conducted research which revealed that 7% of Scott’s DNA had not returned to its original form. How can they understand this.
Scout is very grateful to have twins who are home all the time. While he was in space he let his mustache grow so that no one would get confused comparing his brothers’ genes. It turns out they are no longer identical as before. The scientists looked at metabolites, cytokines and proteins in Scout’s body. And noticed many unusual transformations. For example, wall inflammation. Carotid arteries and increased protein levels. Scout’s genes are affected by stress due to lack of oxygen in space. And significant nutritional changes. But sometimes bringing a faulty gene from space back home is more serious and scary. Because this depression occurred on a space scale that was so great and shaking. This is what happened to astronauts on the moon. Buzz Aldrin returned from space and Aldrin’s career at NASA ended. It was difficult for Aldrin to accept the fact that the most important event in his life had been missed. He had no other goal comparable in importance to the flight to the moon. So Aldrin started abusing alcohol. His marriage fell apart, and he got into trouble with the law.

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Once he was even arrested while drunk. For trying to break into someone’s house. And in 2002 a conspiracy theorist angered former astronaut Buzz Aldrin, asking him to swear on the Bible that he had actually been to the moon, again questioning that the Nasa mission was not fiction. Without thinking, Busz Aldrin punched him in the jaw. In 2018 Aldrin passed a lie detector test to confirm that he had seen an alien craft during a mission. And allegedly it turned out to be true. Now this former astronaut goes to various shows. And by the way the outfit is very cool for a 92 year old.
As you can see, space can significantly change not only the astronauts’ genes, but also their lives. Talking about life. Did you know that earth processes such as birth and death will look different in a space colony.
See how humans are born and die in space?. If humanity plans to conquer other planets. They need to learn how to reproduce in space. but before that it is necessary to understand how the outer space environment affects the function of the newborn human body.
There are several options for doing this, the first of which will be offered by Space Life Origin in 2024. They plan to fertilize the egg in space. And then returned it to earth and implanted it artificially into the uterine cavity of a female volunteer. The second belongs to Spaceborn United and they will send a woman in the final stages of pregnancy into space. To become a program participant. You must have a flawless experience of 2 deliveries. And high natural radiation resistance. It is assumed that this mission will only take from 20 to 36 hours. But the cost of the mission would be enormous. Just one Fertilization in space can cost from 150,000 to 5 million dollars. And having a baby can cost even more. But if scientists really succeed. Then the first non-earth human in history will be born.

Iimants assume that they will look a little specific. The skull of a baby born in zero gravity would be too big. Apart from that, newborn babies will have various colors. This is because the new skin pigment will react to cosmic radiation in outer space.
So what about death in space. Let’s start with the fact that burying corpses in the ground like on our planet is not an option. Dead people are a rich collection of bacteria that can damage the soil on this planet Earth. If you throw a corpse out of space, it will most likely freeze. And drift in space forever. Or it will be attracted by a planet, star or comet.
And if you throw a body out of the space shuttle it will stay behind because the plane’s attraction is so great. This would result in a heart attack for the flight crew. In such conditions the best option is conventional cremation. Or vice versa, freeze the corpse with liquid nitrogen, and grind it to dust. So what do you think about outer space, whether it is fact or just fiction. Write in the comments whether you want to try living in space. maybe you are a female volunteer who wants to give birth outside our Planet. And if you succeed then you will become the coolest human being and will become a star and famous on earth. Instead we will defeat the conspirators. And contact me, let’s together we will make a cool video where we will beat them with facts not with fists. Because of the insistence on swearing an oath on the Bible.

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